All You Need to Know About Instagram Threads -  Threads App

Threads launched by Instagram are trending worldwide rapidly. In a day there are more than 100+ million people have installed this app, inst it booming well? Yes, it’s another social media platform that all can have now. Thread is similar to Twitter. We can able to see reposts, like, reply to quotes, or thread on it. Thread app is gaining huge popularity in the digital world. It’s the best app to have for content creators, influencers, and for brands. So let us see how you can use threads and what are the side effects of Threads App. 

How to Install Threads App?

  1. If you are using Apple then go to the app store, or if Android then go to the Play Store.
  2. Type threads in the search box, and you will see threads in an Instagram app.
  3. Instal the app.

After installing the app you can add a Name, Bio, and Link by editing the profile.

You can also directly link your Instagram account to threads by clicking below the profile picture. While creating threads from Instagrm it will ask whether you want to import from Instagrm or not. I mean when you click on import all the followers, images videos, and reels will automatically add into the threads. If you want to create fresh communication with your audience then just follow the above method.

Every app has its own advantage and disadvantage so let us what are the advantages and disadvantages of threads app.

What advantages of threads app

  1. It’s user-friendly.  
  2. Great app to share quotes, threads, images, and videos.
  3. Best app for creators to engage with their audience. 
  4. Repost and quote option is available 
  5. Allows users to send pictures, videos, messages, and text exclusively to their select contacts.

Disadvantages of the Threads app

  1. A threads profile can only be deleted by deleting your Instagram handle or account.
  2. There is no save option available for images, videos, or quotes after posting them on threads.

So all the information above mentioned is based on my experience on the threads app. You can explore more about this app in Instagram threads.

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